Last weekend we went to my brother's house for his 40th birthday party. We had a wonderful time there celebrating and meeting his girlfriend's family.
On the way down, Bohdan kept insisting he wasn't tired.


Rob and Renee have a kinect for the girls. Here, Ashlyn is showing Bohdan how it works.

If one noisemaker is good, two is better.

Making new friends.

Taylor and Stasiu trying the kinect.

Birthday cake is always better when home made.

Rob even cooked at his own party. What a host!

Double fisting the chips.

Renee put beautiful flowers on the table.

You know how I love to take pictures of flowers.

Taylor, Rob and Stasiu.

Patiently waiting for cake.

We also had puppies! Meet Cosmo

And Jazzy!

We had a great time, loved meeting Renee's family and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves!
Happy Birthday, Rob!!! We love you!